Book your FREE CONSULTATION! It comes with a FREE INTRODUCTORY LESSON (40 minutes long)!

Welcome Special


Welcome Special ^^

Most Flexible


First Group Lesson (Only)

(*After the first introductory free lesson, the first purchased private lesson will cost only 25€/1h. After the first private lesson purchased, each additional private lesson purchased will be charged at the standard price (35€/1h). Exceptions to this rule: you will have several options to get a discount depending on the subscription plan you choose. )

(*After the first introductory free lesson, the first purchased group lesson will cost only 15€/1h. After the first group lesson purchased, each additional group lesson purchased will be charged at the standard price (25€/1h). Exceptions to this rule: you will have several options to get a discount depending on the subscription plan you choose. )

Best Value


First Private Lesson (Only)

UP to 20% OFF

UP to 20% OFF ⋆

Smart packages

Group Lessons

Tier 1 Subscription: Essential

75€ 60€

3 Lessons Plan

Tier 3 Subscription: Premium

250€ 200€

10 Lessons Plan

Plus 1 FREE Private lesson!

Popular !!!

Tier 2 Subscription: Extra

125€ 100€

5 Lessons Plan

Smart packages

Private Lessons

Tier 1 Subscription: Essential

105€ 90€

3 Lessons Plan

Tier 3 Subscription: Premium

350€ 300€

10 Lessons Plan

Plus 2 FREE Group Lessons!

Popular !!!

Tier 2 Subscription: Extra

175€ 150€

5 Lessons Plan

Plus 1 FREE Group Lessons!

Smart packages

Limited Time Deal!


Limited Time Deal! *

MiXED: Groups + Private

Tier 1 Subscription: Essential

85€ 70€

3 Lessons Plan (2 Groups+1private)

Tier 3 Subscription: Premium

300€ 250€

10 Lessons Plan (5 Groups+5private)

Top Tier!

Tier 2 Subscription: Extra

145€ 120€

5 Lessons Plan (3 Groups+2private)

Enroll Now

Enroll Now ☆

Bring a Friend!

Bring a Friend!

For you: 1 FREE Group Lesson for the first friend you bring.

After the first friend, for every friend you bring you will have 20% discount on 1 Group Lesson.

For your Friend: 1 Private Lesson (45 Minutes) for 20€.

Plus, 1 FREE Group Lesson if they buys the x3 Private Lessons Subscription Plan (Smart Package).

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